Ich muß ihn auf Englisch erzählen, da kommt er einfach besser: Und ich muß noch was ergänzen. Forgive me.
The pope stands in front of Heavens Gate, when Petrus asks him: Who are you?. The pope replies: Im the Pope of Rome, Jesus successor on Earth, you dont know me?
Rome, Rome Ahh, Rome in California..?? No, Rome in Italy! Rome in Italy? Never heard of.
The pope starts another try: Ask God, he knows me! Petrus asks the AllMighty: Hey Big Boss, know the Pope of Rome?
Rome, Rome Oh, Rome in California..?? No, Rome in Italy! Rome in Italy? Never heard of.
The Pope gets a little bit irritated and asks Petrus to query Jesus. Petrus: Hey Junior Boss, know the Pope of Rome your alleged sucessor on Earth?
Yeah, Rome in California. and smiles.
No, Rome in Italy!
Rome in Italy? Never heard of. and turns back to Maria Magdalena. The Pope takes his last straw and says: The ask the Holy Ghost, he knows me!
Petrus: Hey Smokey, know the Pope of Rome?.
Rome, Rome Sure, Rome in California!
No, Rome in Italy!
Rome in Italy? Rome in Italy? Arrrrgh, gotim ! Send that bloody fucking bastard to hell, he always tells dirty stories about me and Maria!